What Do Licensed Mold Remediation Workers Do?

At Total Restoration, we understand our role in restoring the safety and integrity of your property. As licensed mold remediation professionals, we take pride in our expertise and dedication to delivering effective solutions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what we do to combat mold infestation and ensure your property is restored to a healthy environment.

Identifying Mold Infestation

When it comes to mold remediation, the first step is to identify the presence of mold in your property. If signs of microbial growth are present, we can help you with recommendations for a MAC(Mold Assessment Consultant) who will take samples and send them to a lab for testing the spore levels. 

Assessment and Planning

Once a MAC has determined there is a need for mold remediation a Work Plan will be created from the MAC’s remediation protocol to determine the best course of action to safely remediate the mold from the areas reported with high levels of spore counts.

Containment and Safety Measures

Containment is crucial in preventing the spread of mold spores during remediation. Our experts put in place stringent containment procedures to isolate the affected areas and protect unaffected parts of your property. We prioritize safety at every stage of the remediation process. To do this, we provide our team with the necessary protective gear and ensure proper ventilation to safeguard both workers and occupants.

Mold Removal Techniques

At Total Restoration, we employ a variety of techniques to remove mold safely and effectively. From physical removal to the use of environmentally friendly cleaning detergents, we take every measure to eliminate mold growth and restore your property to a clean and healthy state. A stringent cleaning and disinfection process is required to ensure the areas of concern are remediated to a safe level, which is determined by retesting by the MAC.

Moisture Control and Prevention

Moisture control is essential in preventing mold recurrence. Our team can help in addressing the underlying moisture issues to aid in the prevention of future growth. 

Documentation and Reporting

Throughout the remediation process, we maintain detailed documentation to track our progress and ensure transparency. From initial assessment reports to final inspection records, we keep you informed every step of the way. Our comprehensive documentation also serves as valuable evidence for insurance purposes, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your property is in good hands.

Take Control of the Mold Issues

Licensed mold remediation workers play a vital role in restoring the safety and integrity of your property. At Total Restoration, we are committed to delivering top-quality mold remediation services that exceed your expectations. If you’re dealing with mold infestation, don’t hesitate to contact us for prompt and professional assistance. Together, we can restore your property to a healthy environment for you and your loved ones.

Contact us today to get help with your property! 

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